Our Sustainable Solutions

Portable, Small-Scale Water Desalination Unit with a Sustainable Integrated Energy System. 

Portable water desalination unit is designed to tackle the urgent challenge of water scarcity in rural and remote communities. By harnessing the power of multiple renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower. This is a sustainable, off-grid solution for producing fresh water. With a focus on mobility and efficiency, the system is engineered for easy transport, allowing it to be deployed quickly in various locations, regardless of existing infrastructure (...). 

Monitoring and Forecasting Water Leakage in Aqueduct Networks Using Intelligent Sensors and AI/ML.

Water leakage in aqueduct systems is a significant issue that leads to water loss, higher operational costs, and potential damage to infrastructure. Efficiently detecting and forecasting such leaks in large, connected grids of aqueducts is vital for maintaining the integrity and functionality of the water distribution system. A solution using a combination of intelligent sensing technology and AI/ML algorithms can be used to early detect the leakage of water (...). 

Real-Time Dam Monitoring and Emergency Response System (AquaDMS System)

AquaDMS system aims to enhance the safety and management of dams through a state-of-the-art monitoring system that utilizes real-time data, AI analytics, and emergency response protocols. This integrated approach allows for timely interventions, safeguarding both the dam infrastructure and downstream communities. (...)